Usage ===== The main part of interest belongs to the ``swarmpyfac.fac`` module. It is however recommended to import the package itself, as it will also import the modules in a fitting namespace:: .. code-block:: python >>> import swarmpyfac as fc >>> fc # count as swarmpyfac.fac >>> fc.utils # count as swarmpyfac.utils >>> # count as Calculating the field aligned currents based on swarm data for some periode:: .. code-block:: python >>> import swarmpyfac as fc >>> import datetime as date >>> start = date.datetime(2016, 1, 1) >>> end = date.datetime(2016, 1, 2) >>> output, input_data = fc.fac_from_file(start=start, end=end, user_file=None) >>> time, position, __, fac, *___ = output The steps in ``fc.fac_from_file`` is broken down into other functions, which one can use and replace for their own needs. TODO: include more usage